Hello, I'm Adrian Tran.
I'm a Software Engineer
About Me

About Me

Adrian Tran Portrait>

Adrian Tran
Software Engineer

As a Software Engineer, I bring to the table strong backgrounds in UI/UX design, web development, full-stack development, and infrastructure engineering.

Most recently, I have been working on Toast as a mid-level engineer on the Infrastructure Engineering team. During my 1.5 years there, I have been tasked with reimagining CICD via the use of Golang, Terraform, and Rego.

Before that, I worked as both a Back End and Front End engineer at Capital One provided me with a plethora of skills. From early on in my 2 year tenure, I was tasked with critical deliverables that impacted tens of thousands of call center agents.

Prior to that, completing two internships at the 2Axion and the Milton Security offices under the tutelage of seasoned Software Engineers in Cerritos and Fullerton, CA, respectively, offerered invaluable professional and developmental experience.

In addition, I have worked tirelessly to expand my knowledge of relevant languages and tehcnologies outside of the school curriculum, resulting in a multitude of interesting side projects.

Besides that, I was also actively involved in the school newspaper as well as executive leadership positions for both the local and state-wide Japanese student associations at UC Riverside.

In my spare time, I enjoy writing, gaming, snowboarding, biking, running, singing, and petting chubby cats.

I graduated from the University of California, Riverside in 2020, with a Bachelor's of Science in Computer Engineering. Currently, I am seeking full-time Software Engineering roles that offer a fun and challenging experience.

Skills and Interests



  • UI/UX Design
  • Prototyping
  • JIRA / User Stories

Software and Design Tools

  • Git
  • Latex
  • HSPice
  • Synopsys CDesigner


General Purpose / Fullstack

  • Golang
  • Java
  • Javascript
  • Python
  • Swift
  • C, C#, and C++

Front End

  • Vue.js
  • HTML5
  • CSS3
  • Bootstrap

Back End

  • Node.js
  • JQuery
  • PostgreSQL
  • PHP


  • Terraform
  • Bash
  • Verilog
  • Assembly

Tools and Methodologies


  • Text Editors (VSCode, Intellij, Sublime, etc.)
  • Unity Engine
  • Android Studio
  • ISE Design Suite
  • Greenfoot
  • Atmel Studio
  • Amazon Web Services (AWS)
  • Model-Sim


  • Agile

Why Work With Me?


I enjoy making an impact in projects that have real-world applications. I love the process; the journey from a single branch to a tree.

Good Under Stress

One of my greatest joys is thriving under pressure: to innovate, create, and diversify the thought process to solve problems.

Fast Learner

I'm happiest when I'm actively learning - you don't have to worry about my ability to mold to your stack.

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